Rabu, 23 April 2014

Business of Indonesia and America

Business of Indonesia

Business development in Indonesia have started to grow up. Many business development arises from a small business into a worldwide business, from business offline to online business. It's so amazing to the people of Indonesia. Offline Indonesia business development can be called a bright market prospects for investors. Especially investor domestically. Because every corner in our country this could make money.

There have been many successful business travelers Indonesia that successfully. We see as Tung Guenta K. Abdurizal Bakrie, etc. It is a few examples of how great business stretching in our country. And also businesses in Indonesia have started to recognize the broad market by foreign markets. However investors vying to infuse capital in Indonesia. It is a nice appreciation from investors and indicated that Indonesia is believed to be the place to start investing.

Business onlinepun currently not lost its importance. Though arguably somewhat behind from offline business online business but continued to pursue that. Indonesia in the international market is one of the principals recognized in the online business. It is proven by the large number of internet users from Indonesia using "ebuy" which is one of the sites selling the international scale.

 Though not yet high on the field won the trust of online business. Indonesia continued to squirm in online business. International market and gradually began to trust Indonesia. It is marked with the advent of big web like paypal, skype, yahoo to Indonesia. They flocked to the market to take advantage of Indonesia Indonesia.

From some of the things above it can be concluded that stretching the business Indonesia in the international market is very good. Animo international scale about the business community began to open.

Business of America

Americans work very structural. Its leader liked things well organized and has a good plan. Leaders always make a guide about what things were done before, during and after a job\/project. Leaders also prepared all the necessary templates from the beginning to the end of the process. Each employee must follow these guidelines so that each employee will go through the same process.

This also makes it easy for every employee in does its job as well as be more noticeable progress at every stage of a project. In addition, it will be easier for other employees toresume work in the project in question was unable to because everything is organized according to the existing guidelines as well as documented.

 Leaders in America are also very team-work oriented. If they have a project, they will gather as much information and the team who may be involved in the project. They will sit together to discuss how they will execute the project and also determine the time frame. At the time the project runs they will evaluate the progress they have made in each of the stages.

Visible characteristic of Americans tend to be practical. They are not the type of analysis. They have not spent much time to analyze anything but tend to immediately practice and made various plans action anticipation when that happens do not correspond to the expected planned. However this does not mean not doing analysis and preparation.

Another characteristic of the character of the American people is the leader is always trying to make his team could use the time effectively because their time is create something valuable. They are very disciplined and always planning for all its activities.

 The American Democratic leadership made them accustomed to appreciate any opinions of his subordinates. This makes the employees became very active and expressive in conveying ideas and expressed opinions and instead its leaders are also very open to the ideas and opinions of its employees and more receptive to difference. When they have something I want to delivered or feel they will reveal it directly (straight to the point). For they better come clean early though for the worst, so that they can think of antisipasinya or find an alternative action plan.

There are compelling reasons why America can go forward. Just like Japan which has been discussed earlier, that is, a good work ethic. Articles that we get from a blog belonging to Donald (www.gayahidupdigital.com) mentions that the Americans have a different work ethic with most people in Indonesia. They work hard in earnest and constant.

While Indonesia has not yet familiar with the workings of the American people. If likened to a race run, we as people of Indonesia are accustomed to running and then pause for a breath, and then we will see, ' Oh rekanku already in the future! ' and then we ran again overtake him. a comparison with the people running this feels right.

Like that's the way they work. American leadership is accustomed to working quickly to resolve everything. As people ran, they would not allow themselves to be at a standstill. Not just for fear of turning preceded the other. You know other countries are making new discoveries and new innovations. They're not going to let it happen so that their main enemy is sloth.

As that's how they work: run my hardest and never stop. In contrast to the State of Indonesia. Here we can still generally pause to rest before running again, and even then not trotting over backwards so that our work ethic which makes Indonesia never slackers.

Business of Indonesia and Singapore

Business of Indonesia
Business development in Indonesia have started to grow up. Many business development arises from a small business into a worldwide business, from business offline to online business. It's so amazing to the people of Indonesia. Offline Indonesia business development can be called a bright market prospects for investors. Especially invstor domestically. Because every corner in our country this could make money.

There have been many successful business travelers Indonesia that successfully. We see as Tung Guenta K. Abdurizal Bakrie, etc. It is a few examples of how great business stretching in our country. And also businesses in Indonesia have started to recognize the broad market by foreign markets. Luarpun investors vying to infuse capital in Indonesia. It is a nice appreciation from investors and indicated that Indonesia is believed to be the place to start investing.

Business onlinepun currently not lost its importance. Though arguably somewhat behind from offline business online business but continued to pursue that. Indonesia in the international market is one of the principals recognized in the online business. It is proven by the large number of internet users from Indonesia using "ebuy" which is one of the sites selling the international scale.

 Though not yet high on the field won the trust of online business. Indonesia continued to squirm in online business. International market and gradually began to trust Indonesia. It is marked with the advent of big web like paypal, skype, yahoo to Indonesia. They flocked to the market to take advantage of Indonesia Indonesia.

From some of the things above it can be concluded that stretching the business Indonesia in the international market is very good. Animo international scale about the business community began to open.

Business of Singapore
Singapore is a highly developed trade-oriented market economy. Singapore's economy has been ranked as the most open in the world, least corrupt, most pro-business, with low tax rates (14.2% of Gross Domestic Product, GDP) and has the third highest per-capita GDP in the world; in terms of Purchasing Power Parity(PPP). Government-linked companies play a substantial role in Singapore's economy, which are owned through the sovereign wealth fund Temasek Holdings, which holds majority stakes in several of the nation's largest companies, such as SingaporeAirlines, SingTel, ST Engineering and MediaCorp. The economy of Singapore is a major Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) outflow financier in the world. Singapore has also benefited from the inward flow of FDI from global investors and institutions due to her highly attractive investment climate and a stable political environment.
Exports, particularly in electronics, chemicals and services including the posture that Singapore is the regional hub for wealth management provide the main source of revenue for the economy, which allows it to purchase natural resources and raw goods which she lacks. Moreover, water is scarce in Singapore therefore water is defined as a precious resource in Singapore along with the scarcity of land to be treated with land fill of Pulau Semakau. Singapore has limited arable land]that Singapore has to rely on the agrotechnology park for agricultural production and consumption. Human Resource is another vital issue for the health of Singaporean economy.
Singapore could thus be said to rely on an extended concept of intermediary trade to EntrepĂ´t trade, by purchasing raw goods and refining them for re-export, such as in the wafer fabrication industry and oil refining. Singapore also has a strategicport which makes it more competitive than many of its neighbours in carrying out such entrepot activities. Singapore has the highest trade to GDP ratio in the world, averaging around 400% during 2008–11. The Port of Singapore is the second-busiest in the world by cargo tonnage. In addition, Singapore's port infrastructure and skilled workforce, which is due to the success of the country's education policy in producing skilled workers, is also fundamental in this aspect as they provide easier access to markets for both importing and exporting, and also provide the skill(s) needed to refine imports into exports.
Singapore's government promotes high levels of savings and investment through policies such as the Central Provident Fund, which is used to fund its citizen's healthcare and retirement needs. Singapore's savings rates have remained among the highest in the world since the 1970s Most companies in Singapore are registered as private limited-liability companies (commonly known as "private limited companies"). A private limited company in Singapore is a separate legal entity, and shareholders are not liable for the company's debts beyond the amount of share capital they have contributed.
To preserve its international standing and further its economic prosperity in the 21st century, Singapore has taken measures to promote innovation, encourage entrepreneurship, re-train her workforce, and even attract foreign talents. These measures aim to boost Singapore's productivity, so that Singapore remains competitive and ready for the challenges of an information-driven global economy.

Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Curiculum Vitae

Nama  : Yohana Garcia LPPS
NPM   : 19210691
Kelas   : 4EA15

I. Personal Details

Name                           : Yohana Garcia LPPS
Address                       : Jl. Mesjid Al-Marzukiyah No. 38 Jakarta Timur
Phone Number            : 081914433557
Place & Date of Birth : Jakarta, January 27th 1993
Sex                              : Female
Marital Status              : Single
Religion                       : Christian
Nationality                  : Indonesia

II. Education Details

1. 1998 – 2004            Elementary School / SDN 08 Pagi Jakarta
2. 2004 – 2007            Junior High School / SMPN 135 Jakarta
3. 2007 – 2010            Senior High School / SMAN 59 Jakarta

III. Job Experience

Fresh Graduated

IV. Computer Skills

Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, making software, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop


Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible.

Jakarta, March 23rd 2014

                                                                                                            Yohana Garcia LPPS

Passive Voice

Nama  : Yohana Garcia LPPS
NPM   : 19210691
Kelas   : 4EA15

Pengertian Passive Voice
Passive voice adalah suatu grammatical construction (bentuk gramatikal) dimana subject pada sentence (kalimat) atau clause (klausa) tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi atau ditindaklanjuti (receiver of action) oleh agent lain (doer of action) baik disebutkan ataupun tidak.
Sebaliknya, pada konstruksi active, subject pada sentence atau clause berhubungan langsung dengan verb dengan bertindak sebagai pelaku aksi. Kalimat aktif dapat ditransformasi menjadi pasif, namun hanya transitive verb (mempunyai direct object) yang dapat diberlakukan demikian.
Rumus Passive Voice
Rumus passive voice adalah sebagai berikut di bawah

Rounded Rectangle: S + Auxiliary Verb + Past Participle

  • Auxiliary verb dapat berupa primary auxiliary verb be (is, are, am, was, were, be, been, being) maupun kombinasi antara dua primary (is/are being, was/were being, has/have been) maupun antara primary dan modal auxiliary verb (will be, will have been).
  • Kombinasi auxiliary digunakan pada bentuk pasif pada tenses. Penjelasan lebih lengkap dapat dilihat di Bentuk Pasif pada Tenses, Infinitive, dan Gerund.
  • Past participle yang digunakan berupa kata kerja transitive (memiliki direct object).
She can’t drive a car. (active voice, transitive), He always come on time. (active voice, intransitive)

play (base form) —> played (past participle), sing (base form) —> sung (past participle)

Contoh Passive Voice pada Auxiliary Verb be:
Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice
I am paid in dollars.
(Saya dibayar dalam dollar.)
the red velvet recipe
The red velvet recipe is used by many people.
(Resep red velvet tsb digunakan oleh banyak orang.)
all of my shoes
All of my shoes are washed every month.
(Semua sepatu saya dicuci setiap bulan.)
large amounts of meat and milk
Large amounts of meat and milk are consumed by many people in the countries.
(Sejumlah besar daging dan susu dikonsumsi oleh banyak orang di negara-negara tsb.)
the book
The book was edited by Beatrice Sparks.
(Buku tsb disunting oleh Beatrice Sparks.)
the books
The books were edited by Beatrice Sparks.
(Buku-buku tsb disunting oleh Beatrice Sparks.)
Penggunaan dan Contoh
Beberapa penggunaan dan contoh perubahan kalimat aktif menjadi pasif adalah sebagai berikut.
Active Voice
Passive Voice
digunakan ketika doer of action (pelaku aksi) tidak diketahui.
Someone knocked on your door last night.
Your door was knocked on last night.
Somebody has used the computer without permission
The computer has been used without permission.
digunakan ketika doer of action tidak penting untuk disebutkan. Misalnya karena pelaku aksi tersebut sudah jelas / bisa ditebak atau merujuk kepada orang secara umum.
You can view the results on the web.
The final results can be viewed on the web.
People seldom do physical exercises regularly.
Physical exercises are seldom done regularly.
The teacher instructed the students to solve the math problem.
The students were instructed to solve the math problem.
digunakan untuk memberi penekanan pada object
Sunmark Press published The Enzyme Factor at the first time in 2005.
The Enzyme Factor was published at the first time in 2005 by Sunmark Press.
I have to collect more than 20,000 dollars to buy the car.
More than 20,000 dollars have to be collected** to buy the car.
digunakan sebagai variasi pada tulisan. Misalnya pelaku aksi telah disebutkan pada kalimat sebelumnya.
KPK investigators knew that Neneng Sri Wahyuni returned to Indonesia. They arrested the woman on June 13.
KPK investigators knew that Neneng Sri Wahyuni returned to Indonesia. The woman was arrested on June 13.

1. Penggunaan passive voice
            Passive voice jarang digunakan dalam bahasa lisan maupun bahasa tulis. Di bawah ini beberapa alasan penggunaan passive voice dalam bahasa inggris.
a.       Digunakan jika pola kalimat passive dirasa lebih baik daripada pola kalimat aktif.
Contoh : Hamlet was writen by shakespeare in about 1602 = lebih baik daripada Shakespeare wrote hamlet in about 1602

b.      Digunakan subjek kalimat itu tidak terlalu penting untuk disebutkan atau tidak ada pelaku secara khusus.
Contoh :
·         The snake has been killed
Siapa yang membunuh ular (snake) bukan hal yang penting
·         The machine has been damaged
Kalimat mesin itu sudah rusak mengindikasikan bahwa mesin itu rusak karena alasan-alasan teknis. (karena sudah tua atau konsleting listrik misalnya)

c.       Digunakan jika pelaku atau subjek kalimat tidak diketahui
Contoh :
·         The jewelery store has been robbed several times
Kalimat toko permata itu telah dirampok beberapa kali mengindikasikan bahwa para perampok belum tertangkap atau belom ditemukan. Sehingga siapa orang yang merampok toko itu belum diketahui secara pasti.

d.      Digunakan bila pelaku atau subjek belum dipahami atau diketahui dari kalimat sebelumnya
Contoh :
·         That tree fell on the car, and the car was damaged (by the fallen tree)
Pohon itu roboh menimpa mobil tersebut, dan mobil itu (di) rusak (oleh pohon yang roboh)
·         Robert kicking Andrew so Andrew wa badly hurt (by Robert)
Robert terus menendang Andrew sehingga Andrew terluka parah (oleh ulah Robert)

2. Beberapa kalimat dan kata kerja verb yang tidak mempunyai kata kerja passive
a.       Intransitive verb (kata kerja yang tidak membutuhkan objek)
Contoh :
·         The baby sleeps soundly
Bayi itu tidur dengan nyenyak
·         The rain fell
Hujan turun
·         The sun shone brightly
Matahari bersinar dengan terang

b.      Linking verb ( seperti is, are, become, was, were, seem)
Contoh :
·         They become lectures
Mereka menjadi dosen
·         That was a good idea
Itu tadi baru ide yang bagus

c.       Verb yang menunjukkan ukuran (seperti cost, weight, travell)
Contoh :
·         The box weights 6kg
Kotak itu beratnya 6kg
·         They travelled around the world
Mereka berpergian mengelilingi dunia
·         This cost alot of money
Ini harganya mahal

3. Special case with passive intransitive
a.       Beberapa intransitive verb diikuti oleh preposition dapat diubah menjadi intransitive verb sehingga memiliki pola passive voice
Contoh :
·         Budi laughed at them
(transitive verb (active voice))
Budi menertawai mereka
·         They are laughed at by Budi
transitive verb (passive voice))
mereka ditertawai oleh Budi

b.      Transitive voice mempunyai 2 objek yakni Direct object dan indirect object juga dapat diubah menjadi kalimat passive. Indirect object ialah sasaran dari perbuatan verb seperti give, ask, and lend. Sedangkan direct ialah sesuatu yang diterima oleh indirect object
Contoh :
·         Richard gave Eva an expansive present
Richard memberi eva sebuah hadiah yang mahal.
-          Eva sebagai indirect object dan an expansive present sebagai indirect object
Kalimat diatas dapat diubah menjadi passive voice sebagai berikut :
·         Eva was given an expansive present by Richard
Eva diberi sebuah hadiah yang mahal oleh Richard
·         An expansive present was given to Eva by Richard
Sebuah hadiah mahal diberikan kepada Eva oleh Richard

Ref :
1. Tutorial writing Bahasa Inggris by M. Solahudin
2. Bussiness Communication by Cynthia Beresford